11. Berdamailah dengan keadaan.
12. Tetap bahagia.
13. Singgah yang tak sungguh.
14. Tetap semangat
15. Assalamualaikum Ukhti.
16. Wa’alaikumussalam Akhi.
17. Kun Fayakun.
18. La Tahzan.
19. Jangan berhenti jadi orang baik.
20. Yakin gagal? Udah nyoba berapa kali?
21. Mencoba jadi apa adanya.
22. Sederhana tapi signifikan.
23. Lahir untuk bersinar terang.
24. Sedang update diri sendiri.
25. Kesederhanaan adalah kunci menuju kebahagiaan.
Baca Juga: 3 Cara Mengubah Font di Bio Instagram Mudah dan Cepat, Bikin Makin Estetik!
Bio aesthetic Twitter Bahasa Inggris
26. My nature, my world.
27. Having the time of my life.
28. Creating my own sunshine.
29. Your life is as good as your mindset
30. Success isn’t given it’s earned
31. Study now be proud later
32. I’m not as good as my post
33. Life isn’t perfect but your photos can be
34. My Twitter, My Diary.
35. Life is Hahahaha
36. Be a warrior, not a worrier
37. Simplicity is the key to happiness.
38. I’m a potato
39. i’am an egg
40. Life is what happens to you while you scroll through Instagram.
41. Disappointed but not surprised.
42. Good times + crazy friends
43. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
44. A smile makes your life happy.
45. Open your mind before your mouth.
46. I hate you but I love you.
47. ILY 1000%.
48. Falling for you.
49. Making history.
50. Creativity solves everything.
51. Just make sure to love your life.
52. Be anything but predictable.
53. Don’t ever be afraid to shine.
Itulah kumpulan bio Twitter aesthetic dan keren.
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