D. Contact the short-listed candidates
Answer: C. Get more information from the internet
Pembahasan: Di dalam teksnya disebutkan, bahwa informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat di dalam situs perusahaan.
2. Who will be contacted by the institution?
A. The ones who first visit the website
B. The ones who make satisfactory performance
C. The ones who promote access to justice and human right
D. The ones who meet the basic requirements
Answer: D. The ones who meet the basic requirements
Pembahasan: Kalimat "Only short-listed candidates will be contacted," menyatakan hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan (basic requirement) yan akan dihubungi.
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal Tes Wawancara Sensus Pertanian 2023 yang Sesuai Materi
3. What will happen to the successful applicants after a period of working in the institution?
A. They will get a raise
B. Their contracts will be renewed
C. Their performance will be reviewed
D. They will be available for more fund
Answer: C. Their performance will be reviewed
Pembahasan: Pada bagian, "The duration of the service contract is one year initially, subject to renewal on an annual basis upon satisfactory performance and availability of funds."
Kalimat tersebut berarti adanya perpanjangan kontrak berdasarkan pada kinerja karyawan dan ketersediaan dana kantor.
4. "....please visit our website"
The word "our" in the text refers to...
A. United Developing Program