60 Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dan Jawaban, Sesuai Materi

9 Juni 2023 07:00 WIB
Contoh soal tes bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dan jawabannya.
Contoh soal tes bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dan jawabannya. ( IG/erickthohir)

Sonora.ID - Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa kini tengah berlangsung proses tes seleksi Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN (RBB).

Panitia Rekrutmen dan Seleksi, dalam hal ini Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI) telah membuka proses pendaftaran pada tanggal 11 Mei 2023 dan ditutup pada tanggal 20 Mei 2023 yang lalu.

Para peserta yang lolos registrasi atau pendaftaran online pun wajib mengikuti beberapa tes seleksi sesuai jadwalnya, yakni sebagai berikut.

Tes Online Tahap 1 (12 Juni-20 Juni 2023)

D-III, D-IV/S-1, S-2 : Tes Kemampuan Dasar (TKD) & Tes AKHLAK
SMA/Sederajat : Tes Kemampuan Dasar (TKD)

Pengumuman Tes Online Tahap 1 (Juli)

Tes Online Tahap 2 (16 Juli-20 Juli 2023)

D-III, D-IV/S-1, S-2 : Tes Bahasa Inggris
SMA/Sederajat : Tes AKHLAK

Pengumuman Tes Online Tahap 2 (Agustus 2023)

Tes Seleksi di BUMN (9 Agustus-24 Agustus 2023)

Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB), User Interview, Social Media Analytic, Digital Mindset dan Medical Check-Up (MCU)

Pengumuman Final Calon Pegawai BUMN (Agustus 2023)

Untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan baik, sebagai langkah persiapan Anda dapat mencoba untuk mengerjakan beberapa soal latihan di bawah ini.

Berikut ini kami sajikan kumpulan contoh soal tes bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023 dan jawabannya, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal TKD dan AKHLAK BUMN 2023 dan Jawabannya, Sesuai Materi

Contoh Soal Tes Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2023

Text for number 1-10.

A common way of gaining knowledge is through experience, which relies on trial‐and‐error learning.

One of the authors is reminded of a time when he (1) … an Old Order Amish farmer while their two 5‐year‐old sons played with a small snapping turtle.

As the Amish boy held the turtle in one hand he would reach out with the other and tap the turtle’s beak with his index finger, jerking it away as the animal (2) … in the air.

Several times, the farmer interrupted his conversation to warn his son that if he continued (3) … the turtle, he would be sorry.

Suddenly, the boy (4) … and dropped the turtle to the ground. As the father retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and attended to the young boy’s bleeding finger, the man looked into his son’s eyes and said in German (5) … into “Maybe the turtle has taught you what your father could not.”

The author could not help but feel that his son, who stood in horror (6) … his Amish friend’s bleeding finger, had also learned something from the experience.

An old adage (7) … , “experience is the best teacher.” If our knowledge is (8) … , however, then it is limited indeed, for experience is the best teacher only if we cannot also find other paths to knowledge.

Because experience is very (9) … of gaining knowledge, it is influenced by our social and cultural backgrounds.

(10) … is punctuated by diversity as people of different racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic backgrounds not only experience vastly different things in life, but, more importantly, often interpret similar experiences quite differently.

Soal 1

Jawaban: Was interviewing

Soal 2

Jawaban: Snapping harmlessly

Soal 3

Jawaban: Teasing

Soal 4

Jawaban: Squealed out in pain

Soal 5

Jawaban: What is roughly translated

Soal 6

Jawaban: Looking at

Soal 7

Jawaban: Claims

Soal 8

Jawaban: Limited to personal experiences

Soal 9

Jawaban: Personal and individualistic way

Soal 10

Jawaban: Experiential knowledge

Soal 11

She ___________ (read) a book when I arrived.

Jawaban: was reading

Soal 12

The company ___________ (provide) its employees with training programs.

Jawaban: provides

Soal 13

They ___________ (not finish) their project yet.

Jawaban: have not finished

Soal 14

I ___________ (not see) him since last month.

Jawaban: have not seen

Soal 15

The new policy ___________ (affect) all employees.

Jawaban: affects

Soal 16

This is the ___________ (big) car I have ever seen.

Jawaban: biggest

Soal 17

She is ___________ (good) at public speaking than her colleague.

Jawaban: better

Soal 18

The exam was ___________ (difficult) than I had expected.

Jawaban: more difficult

Soal 19

He spoke ___________ (loudly) than anyone else in the room.

Jawaban: loudly

Soal 20

She worked ___________ (hard) to complete the project on time.

Jawaban: hard

Soal 21

The meeting will be held ___________ 8:00 and 10:00 am.

Jawaban: between

Soal 22

The report is ___________ my desk.

Jawaban: in

Soal 23

 ___________ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Jawaban: An

Soal 24

I need to buy ___________ new laptop.

Jawaban: a

Soal 25

Tom and ___________ are going to the conference.

Jawaban: he

Soal 26

The project was completed by ___________ (mereka) and my team.

Jawaban: them

Soal 27

I will study hard __ pass the exam.

Jawaban: so that

Soal 28

He is interested in sports __ he doesn't have much time for it.

Jawaban: but

Soal 29

I will have to work overtime __ I want to finish the project on time.

Jawaban: if

Soal 30

 __ is the tallest person in the room?

Jawaban: Who

Baca Juga: Contoh Surat Rekomendasi BUMN 2023 yang Sesuai dengan Pedoman

Soal 31

Daddy: “When did you realize you had lost your purse?“

Me: “When I … ,one to pay the conductor”

Jawaban: Had needed

Soal 32

She: ‘Why didn’t Cakra want to go home?’

Me: “His mother … him for causing the car accident.”

Jawaban: had blamed

Soal 33

The director is meeting with the investors, as the company would like to … operations.

Jawaban: Expand

Soal 34

Ms. Tiara is a gifted speaker, and everybody … listening to her talks.

Jawaban: Enjoys

Soal 35

… position of the planet earth in relation to the sun is always changing a little bit

Jawaban: The

Soal 36

I would have gone to your party last night if … time.

Jawaban: Had

Soal 37

Education in Indonesia is the … of school, government and society.

Jawaban: Responsibility

Soal 38

We had to wait a long time to get these books back, …?

Jawaban: Didn’t we

Soal 39

Do you know …?

Jawaban: What time the movie starts

Soal 40

I said that I would rather not ... it right now.

Jawaban: discuss 

Soal 41

She ... on airplanes many times. 

Jawaban: has flown 

Soal 42

She went to the school by taxi. She ... by bus. There is a bus driver strike today. 

Jawaban: should have gone 

Soal 43

The streets all over Jakarta are flooded. ... last night. 

Jawaban: it must have rained 

Soal 44

A trip to Bali should ... 

Jawaban: be well for you 

Soal 45

The region is not fertile, ... it is an industrial area. 

Jawaban: as

Soal 46

Don't persuade Joan's husband to buy her a ring, he is rather ... over money matters. 

Jawaban: mean

Soal 47

What is the synonym of "perplexed"?

Jawaban: Confused

Soal 48

What is the meaning of the word "abundant"?

Jawaban: Plentiful

Soal 49

What is the antonym of "benevolent"?

Jawaban: Cruel

Soal 50

What is the meaning of the word "diligent"?

Jawaban: Hardworking

Soal 51

What is the synonym of "agile"?

Jawaban: Flexible

Soal 51

What is the antonym of "expand"?

Jawaban: Contract

Soal 52

What is the meaning of the word "exemplify"?

Jawaban: Illustrate

Soal 53

What is the synonym of "lavish"?

Jawaban: Extravagant

Soal 54

What is the antonym of "loathe"?

Jawaban: Adore

Soal 55

What is the meaning of the word "eloquent"?

Jawaban: Articulate

Soal 56

What is the synonym of "vivid"?

Jawaban: Bright

Soal 57

What is the antonym of "jovial"?

Jawaban: Grumpy

Soal 58

What is the meaning of the word "intrepid"?

Jawaban: Brave

Soal 59

What is the synonym of "gloomy"?

Jawaban: Dark

Soal 60

What is the antonym of "prosperous"?

Jawaban: Poor.

Baca Juga: Syarat dan Cara Daftar Rekrutmen BUMN 2023 Disertai Jadwal dan Tipsnya

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