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International English Language Testing System atau IELTS menjadi sebuah system tes kemahiran Bahasa Inggris pada kancah Internasional yang paling popular di seluruh dunia.
Adapun hasil test IELTS bisa digunakan untuk keperluan studi, bekerja dan imigrasi.
Dikutip dari laman menjelaskan bahwa tes IELTS dianggap sebagai salah satu tes Bahasa Inggris yang paling bergengsi.
Kemudian dianggap sebagai salah satu tes yang diakui dan digunakan secara resmi sebagai standarisasi kemahiran dalam berbahasa asing pada beberapa negara.
Sejatinya ada empat sesi test berbeda pada IELTS yakni Listening section, reading section, writing section dan speaking section.
Nah, jika Anda akan melakukan tes IELTS berikut beberapa contoh soal yang bisa kamu pelajari agar lebih mahir:
Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal Psikotes Bawaslu 2023 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban
Contoh Soal IELTS
Contoh Soal IELTS Reading Section
a. It is a myth that creative people are born with their talents: gifts from God or nature. Creative genius is, in fact, latent within many of us, without our realising. But how far do we need to travel to find the path to creativity? For many people, a long way. In our everyday lives, we have to perform many acts out of habit to survive, like opening the door, shaving, getting dressed, walking to work, and so on. If this were not the case, we would, in all probability, become mentally unhinged. So strongly ingrained are our habits, though this varies from person to person, that sometimes when a conscious effort is made to be creative, automatic response takes over. We may try, for example, to walk to work following a different route, but end up on our usual path. By then it is too late to go back and change our minds. Another day, perhaps. The same applies to all other areas of our lives. When we are solving problems, for example, we may seek different answers, but, often as not, find ourselves walking along the same well-trodden paths.
b. So, for many people, their actions and behaviour are set in immovable blocks, their minds clogged with the cholesterol of habitual actions, preventing them from operating freely, and thereby stifling creation. Unfortunately, mankind’s very struggle for survival has become a tyranny – the obsessive desire to give order to the world is a case in point. Witness people’s attitude to time, social customs and the panoply of rules and regulations by which the human mind is now circumscribed.
c. The groundwork for keeping creative ability in check begins at school. School, later university and then work, teach us to regulate our lives, imposing a continuous process of restrictions which is increasing exponentially with the advancement of technology. Is it surprising then that creative ability appears to be so rare? It is trapped in the prison that we have erected. Yet, even here in this hostile environment, the foundations for creativity are being laid; because setting off on the creative path is also partly about using rules and regulations. Such limitations are needed so that once they are learnt, they can be broken.
d. The truly creative mind is often seen as totally free and unfettered. But a better image is of a mind, which can be free when it wants, and one that recognises that rules and regulations are parameters, or barriers, to be raised and dropped again at will. An example of how the human mind can be trained to be creative might help here. People’s minds are just like tense muscles that need to be freed up and the potential unlocked. One strategy is to erect artificial barriers or hurdles in solving a problem. As a form of stimulation, the participants in the task can be forbidden to use particular solutions or to follow certain lines of thought to solve a problem. In this way, they are obliged to explore unfamiliar territory, which may lead to some startling discoveries. Unfortunately, the difficulty in this exercise, and with creation itself, is convincing people that creation is possible, shrouded as it is in so much myth and legend. There is also an element of fear involved, however subliminal, as deviating from the safety of one’s thought patterns is very much akin to madness. But, open Pandora’s box and a whole new world unfolds before your very eyes.
e. Lifting barriers into place also plays a major part in helping the mind to control ideas rather than letting them collide at random. Parameters act as containers for ideas and thus help the mind to fix on them. When the mind is thinking laterally and two ideas from different areas of the brain come or are brought together, they form a new idea, just like atoms floating around and then forming a molecule. Once the idea has been formed, it needs to be contained or it will fly away, so fleeting is its passage. The mind needs to hold it in place for a time so that it can recognise it or call on it again. And then the parameters can act as channels along which the ideas can flow, developing and expanding. When the mind has brought the idea to fruition by thinking it through to its conclusion, the parameters can be brought down and the idea allowed to float off and come in contact with other ideas.
Baca Juga: 25 Contoh Soal Tes Psikologi Bawaslu Tahun 2023 Lengkap dengan Jawabannya
1. Contoh Soal IELTS How habits restrict us anda limit ceativity?
Jawaban : Paragraf A
Pada paragraph A dicontohkan sebuah perilaku yang mengindikasi bahwa ada banyak cara untuk melakukan sesuatu, yang mana seseorang cenderung kembali kepada cara lama yang telah biasa dilakukan.
Secara spesifik, kalimat seperti: 1) “We may try, for example, to walk to work following a different route, but end up on our usual path” dan 2) “When we are solving problems, for example, we may seek different answers, but, often as not, find ourselves walking along the same well-trodden paths”
Maka paragraph A benar lantaran menganduk informasi yang menyebutkan bahwa sebuah kebiasaan bisa membatasi seseorang atau mempersempit ruang bagi kreativitas untuk bekerja.
2. Contoh Soal IELTS
How to train the mind to be creative?
Jawaban: Paragraf D
Pertanyaan kedua menanyakan mengenai mengidentifikasi paragraf yang mengandung informasi tentang bagaimana cara melatih pikiran untuk menjadi kreatif.
Pada paragraf D, dicontohkan cara yang bisa membantu seseorang dalam menholah pikirannya supayta menjadi kreatif.
Yang mana salah satunya adalah dengan larangan untuk menggunakan solusi tertentu pada sebuah penyelesaian permasalahan.
Hal ini tertuang pada kalimat:
1) “An example of how the human mind can be trained to be creative might help here” 2) “As a form of stimulation, the participants in the task can be forbidden to use particular solutions or to follow certain lines of thought to solve a problem”, 3) “In this way, they are obliged to explore unfamiliar territory, which may lead to some startling discoveries”
Contoh Soal IELTS Reading Section dengan Multiple Choise
1. Contoh Soal IELTS According to the writer, creativity is:
a. A gift from God or nature
b. An automatic response
c. Difficult for many people to achieve
d. A well-trodden path
Jawaban : C
Pembahasan :
Pada jajaran kalimat di paragaf A menyimpulakan bahwa kreatifitas adalah hal yang sulit untuk digapai oleh banyak orag.
Yang mana tertuang pada paragraph A sebagaimana berikut ini:
“We may try, for example, to walk to work following a different route, but end up on our usual path. By then it is too late to go back and change our minds” menunjukkan sulitnya menjadi kreatif karena individu memiliki kecenderungan untuk kembali kepada kebiasaan lama dalam melakukan sesuatu.
Jadi pada pertanyaan diatas opsi yang paling cocok dengan benar adalah “C” .
Hal ini lantaran implisit memberitahu bahwa kreativitas itu tidak mudah untuk dicapai.
Baca Juga: 25 Contoh Soal Tes Psikologi Bawaslu Tahun 2023 Lengkap dengan Jawabannya
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