Sonora.ID - Artikel ini membahas contoh soal penilaian tengah semester (PTS) Bahasa Inggris kelas 2 SD Kurikulum Merdeka.
PTS bertujuan mengukur hasil pembelajaran siswa selama pertengahan semester.
Contoh soal di bawah ini dapat menjadi referensi orang tua dalam mengajar anak sebelum menghadapi PTS.
1. How do you say "apel" in English?
A. Mango
B. Banana
C. Orange
D. Apple
Jawaban: D
2. Fill in the blank: "I ... apples."
A. Like
B. Liked
C. Likes
D. Liking
Jawaban: A
Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD Kurikulum Merdeka
3. Choose the correct option: "She ... apples."
A. Like
B. Liked
C. Likes
D. Liking
Jawaban: C
4. Complete the sentence: "We like ... fruits."
A. Oranges
B. Oranges and bananas
C. Apples
D. Apples and bananas
Jawaban: D
5. Apple, mangoes, and orange are ...
A. Fruits
B. Vegetables
C. Animals
D. Pets
Jawaban: A
Baca Juga: 195 Nama Hewan Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
6. Father : What ... do you like?
Son : I like banana and grape
A. Vegetables
B. Animals
C. Colours
D. Fruits
Jawaban: D
7. My mother has a brother. He is my ...
A. Father
B. Aunt
C. Uncle
D. Son
Jawaban: C
8. Complete the sentence: My grandfather ... watermelon.
A. Like
B. Likes
C. In
D. On
Jawaban: B
Baca Juga: Hewan Melata: Pengertian, Ciri-ciri, Jenis, dan Contohnya
9. Teacher: Does your mother like banana?
Student: ...
A. Yes, she does.
B. No, she don't.
C. Yes, she doesn't.
D. No, she do.
Jawaban: A
10. Complete the sentence: My father has a mother. She is my ...
A. Aunt
B. Daughter
C. Grandfather
D. Grandmother
Jawaban: D
11. What is the name of the room where students go to learn?
A. Classroom
B. School
C. Library
D. Office
Jawaban: A
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12. These things are in the class, except ...
A. Blackboard
B. Chair
C. Table
D. Bike
Jawaban: D
13. Complete the sentence: My teacher uses a piece of ... to write on the blackboard.
A. Book
B. Magazine
C. Chalk
D. Pen
Jawaban: C
14. These things are in the bag, except ...
A. Book
B. Pencil case
C. Pen
D. Chair
Jawaban: D
Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal PTS Seni Budaya Kelas 9 Semester 1, Beserta Jawabannya
15. Complete the sentence: I have ... pen.
A. Two
B. An
C. A
D. Three
Jawaban: C
16. Teacher: How many books do you have?
Student: I have ... books.
A. Red
B. Two
C. Grape
D. Dog
Jawaban: B
17. Twelve in Indonesian is ...
A. Sebelas
B. Dua belas
C. Tiga belas
D. Empat belas
Jawaban: B
Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal UTS PTS PKN Kelas 9 Semester 1, Beserta Jawabannya!
18. Dua puluh in English is ...
A. Twelve
B. Two
C. Twenty
D. Eleven
Jawaban: C
19. Teacher: Where is your pencil?
Student: My pencil ... the bag.
A. On
B. In
C. At
D. Under
Jawaban: B
20. Complete the sentence: "There are three ... under the table.
A. Book
B. Books
C. Pencil
D. Pen
Jawaban: B
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21. My teacher uses a piece of ... to write on the blackboard
A. Book
B. Magazine
C. Chalk
D. Eraser
Jawaban: C
22. Seventeen minus five is ...
A. Eleven
B. Twelve
C. Thirteen
D. Eight
Jawaban: B
23. Is- this-a-dolphin
The correct order is ...
A. This a dolphin is
B. This is a dolphin
C. This dolphin is a
D. This is dolphin a
Jawaban: B
Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal UTS PTS IPA Kelas 4 SD Kurikulum Merdeka Beserta Jawabannya
24. It is raining. I need ...
A. Hat
B. Clothes
C. Umbrella
D. Glasses
Jawaban: C
25. We are always playing football in ...
A. Classroom
B. Canteen
C. Field
D. Bedroom
Jawaban: C
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