I felt incredibly lucky to have you today.
(Saya merasa sangat beruntung memiliki Anda hari ini.)
The class is unusually quiet today.
(Kelas hari ini sangat sepi.)
She just finished working.
(Dia baru saja selesai bekerja.)
He typed the script very fast.
(Dia mengetik naskah sangat cepat.)
The Water was extremely cold.
(Airnya sangat dingin sekali.)
I has almost get the gold.
(Saya hampir mendapatkan emas itu.)
Is your milk hot enough to drink?
(Apakah susu mu ini cukup panas untuk diminum?)
He didn’t work hard enopugh to pass the exam.
(Dia tidak cukup berusaha untuk lulus pada ujian tersebut.)
The temperature was barely above freezing.
(Suhunya hampir di atas titik beku.)
You are walking too slowly.
(Kamu berjalan terlalu lambat.)