- Present Tense
- Emotive Phrases
Unit 4: Discussion Text: Carbon Footprints
Listening and Speaking:
- Listening to a dialogue about reducing carbon footprints
- Interviewing friends how to limit carbon footprints
Reading and Viewing:
- Reading a discussion text about Do we need to stop eating meat?
- Watching videos about carbon footprints
Writing and Presenting:
- Writing a discussion text about carbon footprints
- Doing a group presentation
Schematic Structures and Language Features:
- Generic Participants
- Simple Present
- Thinking Verb
- Modality
- Contrastive Conjunction
- Passive Voice
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Tingkat Lanjut
Buku: Bahasa Inggris Tingkat Lanjut: Train of Thoughts untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII
Unit 1: Digging the Hidden Gem of Borneo (Kalimantan)
- Listening: Understand short conversation and text about the beauty of Kalimantan and some problems about underwater conservation
- Reading: Comprehend narrative text about Bujang Beji.
- Speaking: Give personal opinion on preserving marine life.
- Writing: Write arguments.
Unit 2: Connected to social media
- Listening: Understand short conversations about the negative effects of social media
- Reading: Understand analytical exposition text about consumerism and negative impacts of social media.
- Speaking: Give a presentation about Overcoming consumerism
- Writing: Write an analytical exposition text about the impacts of social media.
Unit 3: Get in touch with nature
- Listening: Understand the strength and the weaknesses of some places mentioned in the audio
- Reading: Comprehend Discussion text about advantages and disadvantages of Nihiwatu and Snorkeling.
- Speaking: Give a travel review
- Writing: Write a discussion text about solo traveling
Unit 4: Future method of payment
- Listening: Understand a talk about Financial Literacy.
- Reading: Comprehend texts about future methods of payment: the cashless and financial literacy.
- Speaking: Presenting opinion about Cause and effect of certain financial behavior
- Writing: Write a discussion text about overspending
Unit 5: Today’s Life
- Listening: Understand a talk about minimalism
- Reading: Comprehend Pros and cons texts about becoming minimalist and digital minimalism.
- Speaking: Perform debate about minimalism and digital minimalism.
- Writing: Write a pros and cons essay about frugal living.
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