Sonora.ID - Simak 25 contoh soal part of body kelas 5 materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawaban.
Parts of body atau bagian tubuh merupakan salah satu materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD Kurikulum Merdeka.
Dalam materi ini, siswa akan belajar mengenali bagian-bagian tubuh, seperti kaki, kepala, mata, telinga, tangan, lengkap dengan fungsinya.
Berikut ini 25 contoh soal part of body kelas 5 SD lengkap dengan jawabannya.
1. He uses eat noodle.
A. Nose
B. Eyes
C. Foot
D. Mouth
Jawaban: D
2. He uses his nose to...the food.
A. Eat
B. Take
C. Smell
D. Listen
Jawaban: C
3. She uses take a glass of orange juice.
A. Hand
B. Eyes
C. Stomach
D. Nose
Jawaban: A
4. She uses her ... to look at the bag.
A. Hair
B. Nose
C. Eyes
D. Shoulder
Jawaban: C
5. She ueses her headset to ... to the music.
A. Look
B. Smell
C. Pick
D. Listen
Jawaban: D
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6. We use our ... to write something.
A. Mouth
B. Hand
C. Head
D. Foot
Jawaban: B
7. I can see with my?
A. Eyes
B. Hand
C. Knee
D. Finger
Jawaban: A
8. I can hear the sound with my?
A. Neck
B. Hand
C. Foot
D. Ear
Jawaban: D
9. I can ... with my foot.
A. Write
B. Singing
C. Walk
D. Hear music
Jawaban: C
10. I use my nose to?
A. Write
B. Run
C. Hold
D. Breathe
Jawaban: D
11. I have ten?
A. Stomach
B. Teeth
C. Finger
D. Eyes
Jawaban: C
12. How many eyes do you have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Jawaban: B
13. We can bite a apple with?
A. Stomach
B. Teeth
C. Tongue
D. Ear
Jawaban: B
14. Which one is not the body parts?
A. Book
B. Mouth
C. Ear
D. Eyes
Jawaban: A
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15. Susi ate many chocolate yesterday. Today she gets?
A. Headache
B. Toothache
C. Stomachache
D. Ulcer
Jawaban: B
16. These statements are true, except?
A. I have two ears
B. I have two cheeks
C. I have one head
D. I have one hair
Jawaban: D
17. Berlin loves to eat cake. She thinks the taste of the cake is delicious. What dose she use to taste the cake?
A. Teeth
B. Tongue
C. Neck
D. Mouth
Jawaban: B
18. What do you use to dribble the ball?
A. Head
B. Hand
C. Knee
D. Foot
Jawaban: B
19. She is hungry and her ... starts rumbling.
A. Finger
B. Foot
C. Stomach
D. Back
Jawaban: C
20. Doni is watching television with his?
A. Eyes
B. Ears
C. Teeth
D. Tongue
Jawaban: A
21. Kita memiliki satu hidung. The English sentences is?
A. We have one hat
B. We have one head
C. We have one nose
D. We have one noise
Jawaban: C
22. My mother always kisses my ... before going to work.
A. Stomach
B. Cheek
C. Hand
D. Ears
Jawaban: B
23. My sister puts on mascara on her?
A. Eyes
B. Eyebrows
C. Eyelashes
D. Under eye
Jawaban: C
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24. “Parts of body” in Indonesian is?
A. Bagian tubuh
B. Ciri-ciri tubuh
C. Pertumbuhan manusia
D. Tubuh manusia
Jawaban: A
25. Which is not included in the head?
A. Nose
B. Ears
C. Hair
D. Stomach
Jawaban: D
Demikian 25 contoh soal part of body kelas 5 materi pelajaran Bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawaban yang dapat menjadi referensi.
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