Mieke: 0-8-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0
Robbin: Okay, I will check if the number is right. I’ll call you.
(Baiklah, saya akan periksa apakah nomornya benar. Aku akan meneleponmu)
Mieke: “Oh this number?”
(Oh nomor ini?)
Robbin: Correct!
Contoh 5
Roy: Yesterday, I go to the drugstore and buy some medicine for my brother.
(Kemarin, saya pergi ke toko obat dan membeli obat untuk adik saya)
Lindsay: Is your brother sick?
(Apakah adikmu sakit?)
Roy: Yes, he gets bad cough.
(Ya, dia batuk parah.)
Lindsay: What did you say?
(Apa katamu?)
Roy: Bad cough, he gets bad cough.
(Batuknya parah, dia batuk parah.)
Lindsay: Oh, poor him. Why it can be?
(Oh, kasihan dia. Kenapa bisa?)
Roy: He get rained on when go home from school.
(Dia kehujanan saat pulang sekolah.)
Lindsay: How that he feel now?
(Bagaimana perasaannya sekarang?)
Roy: He getting better.
(Dia menjadi lebih baik.)
Lindsay: Glad to hear that.
(Senang mendengarnya)
Contoh 6
Tourist : Could you tell me where the nearest ATM is?
(Bisakah kamu menunjukkan dimana ATM terdekat?)
Andi : It’s over there beside the Naraya Cafe. You go straight for about 400 meters and the cafe is on the left side.
(Di sana di samping Naraya Cafe. Lurus saja sekitar 400 meter dan cafenya ada di sebelah kiri.)
Tourist : Can you repeat please?
(Bisakah kamu mengulanginya?)
Andi : Sure, you go straight for about 400 meters and the Naraya Cafe is on the left side. The ATM Machine is beside the cafe.
(Tentu, lurus saja sekitar 400 meter dan Nataya Cafe berada di sebalah kiri. Mesin ATM nya berada disamping Cafe itu.)
Tourist : Thank a lot.
(Terimakasih banyak.)
Andi : You are welcome.
Contoh 7
Rania : Excuse me.
Seller : Yes, please.
(Ya, silahkan)
Rania : I want to buy some vegetables like eggplant, carrots, spinach, and some onions as well as chili and pepper.
(Saya ingin membeli beberapa sayuran seperti terong, wortel, bayam, dan beberapa bawang serta cabai dan lada.)
Seller : Sorry can you repeat that again.
(Maaf bisakah anda mengulanginya lagi )
Rania : I want to buy eggplant, carrots, spinach, onions, chili and pepper.
(Saya ingin membeli terong, wortel, bayam, bawang , cabai dan juga lada.)
Seller : Alright wait a minute.
(Baiklah tunggu sebentar.)
Buyer : Okay, thanks.
(Oke, terimakasih.)
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