40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban

25 Juni 2024 13:25 WIB
40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban.
40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban. ( College Covered)

8. When conducting market research, it is important to:
(a) Use biased and subjective methods to collect data
(b) Gather information from a diverse range of sources to understand customer needs and preferences
(c) Rely solely on internal data and assumptions without considering external market trends
(d) Ignore the feedback and opinions of potential customers

Jawaban: B

9. The term "corporate culture" refers to:
(a) The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that characterize a company
(b) The legal and regulatory environment in which a company operates
(c) The marketing strategies used to promote a company's brand
(d) The financial performance and profitability of a company

Jawaban: A

10. In a business presentation, it is important to:
(a) Use complex jargon and technical terms
(b) Speak in a monotone voice and avoid eye contact
(c) Use visual aids and clear language to engage the audience
(d) Focus on personal anecdotes and irrelevant stories

Answer Key: (c) Use visual aids and clear language to engage the audience

11. The phrase "due diligence" in business refers to:
(a) The process of carefully examining and verifying information before making a decision
(b) The act of completing a task or project on time
(c) The importance of exercising caution and avoiding risks
(d) The need to maintain open communication and transparency

a) The process of carefully examining and verifying information before making a decision

12. When negotiating a business deal, it is important to:
(a) Be aggressive and assertive, even if it means compromising your own interests
(b) Listen actively and understand the other party's perspective
(c) Focus on making quick decisions to avoid wasting time
(d) Avoid making concessions or compromises

Jawaban: B

13. The term "value proposition" in business refers to:
(a) The total monetary worth of a company or its assets
(b) The unique benefits or advantages that a company offers to its customers
(c) The price at which a company sells its products or services
(d) The company's mission statement and vision for the future

Jawaban: B

14. In a business context, "to brainstorm" means to:
(a) Organize and prioritize ideas
(b) Generate a large number of creative ideas without judgment
(c) Evaluate and select the most promising ideas
(d) Implement the chosen ideas and put them into action

Jawaban: B

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