40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban

25 Juni 2024 13:25 WIB
40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban.
40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban. ( College Covered)

15. Which of the following is NOT a common business communication skill?
(a) Active listening
(b) Effective writing
(c) Public speaking
(d) Social media engagement

Jawaban: D

16. The phrase "heads up" in business is often used to:
(a) Introduce a new topic or idea
(b) Provide a warning or alert about something
(c) Seek clarification or confirmation
(d) Express gratitude or appreciation

Jawaban: A

17. The term "supply chain" in business refers to:
(a) The network of organizations involved in the production and distribution of a product
(b) The process of managing financial resources within a company
(c) The strategies used to promote and sell a product or service
(d) The relationships between a company and its employees

Jawaban: A

18. In a business context, "to outsource" means to:
(a) Assign a task or project to an external company or individual
(b) Bring in additional employees or resources to handle internal tasks
(c) Take control of a task or project that was previously outsourced
(d) Manage all aspects of a task or project in-house
(a) Assign a task or project to an external company or individual

19. The phrase "business ethics" refers to:
(a) The principles and standards that guide a company's decision-making and behavior
(b) The laws and regulations that govern business activities
(c) The marketing strategies used to attract and retain customers
(d) The financial performance and profitability of a company

Jawaban: A

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban

20. When writing a business proposal, it is important to:
(a) Use informal language and avoid technical terms
(b) Clearly define the problem or opportunity being addressed
(c) Include personal opinions and anecdotes to support your arguments
(d) Focus on emotional appeals rather than logical reasoning

Jawaban: A

21. The term "intellectual property (IP)" in business refers to:
(a) The creative ideas, inventions, and expressions of a company or individual
(b) The physical assets and property owned by a company
(c) The marketing strategies used to protect a company's brand
(d) The financial investments made by shareholders in a company

Jawaban: A

22. The company is facing financial difficulties due to the current economic downturn. What does "facing" mean in this context?
A. To avoid
B. To experience
C. To solve
D. To ignore

Jawaban: B

23. The employee was dismissed from his job for misconduct. What does "dismissed" mean in this context?
A. To promote
B. To hire
C. To fire
D. To transfer

Jawaban: C

24. The customer was satisfied with the quality of the product and the service provided. What does "satisfied" mean in this context?
A. Unhappy
B. Disappointed
C. Pleased
D. Angry

Jawaban: C

25. The company is committed to providing excellent customer service. What does "committed" mean in this context?
A. Unwilling
B. Hesitant
C. Dedicated
D. Uninterested

Jawaban: C

26. The new product was a failure due to poor marketing and lack of consumer interest. What does "failure" mean in this context?
A. Success
B. Triumph
C. Victory
D. Unsuccessful outcome

Jawaban: D

27. The manager decided to lay off some workers because of the economic downturn. What does lay off mean in this context?
A. To promote
B. To hire
C. To fire
D. To train

Jawaban: C

28. The manager decided to implement a new marketing strategy to increase sales. What does "implement" mean in this context?
A. To discuss
B. To cancel
C. To put into action
D. To postpone

Jawaban: C

29. The company is considering expanding into new markets. What does "considering" mean in this context?
A. Refusing
B. Rejecting
C. Evaluating
D. Ignoring

Jawaban: C

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Niaga UT dengan Kunci Jawaban

30. The company is facing increased competition from new entrants into the market. What does "facing" mean in this context?
A. Welcoming
B. Embracing
C. Avoiding
D. Competing with

Jawaban: D

31. The company's inventory was low, so they had to place a rush order for more supplies. What does rush order mean in this context?
A. A large order
B. A small order
C. An urgent order
D. A canceled order

Jawaban: C

32. The customer was dissatisfied with the product and wanted a refund. What does dissatisfied mean in this context?
A. Happy
B. Content
C. Unhappy
D. Neutral

Jawaban: C

33. The company's sales figures for the last quarter were disappointing. What does disappointing mean in this context?
A. Good
B. Excellent
C. Bad
D. Average

Jawaban: C

34. The company is expanding into new markets and is looking for qualified personnel. What does qualified mean in this context?
A. Inexperienced
B. Unqualified
C. Experienced
D. Untrained

Jawaban: C

35. The company's marketing campaign was very successful and resulted in a significant increase in sales. What does successful mean in this context?
A. Unsuccessful
B. Ineffective
C. Effective
D. Unproductive

Jawaban: C

36. The company is committed to providing its customers with high-quality products and services. What does providing mean in this context?
A. Asking
B. Demanding
C. Supplying
D. Refusing

Jawaban: C

37. The company's customer service is excellent, and they always go the extra mile to satisfy their customers. What does go the extra mile mean in this context?
A. Do the minimum
B. Do less than is expected
C. Do more than is expected
D. Do nothing

Jawaban: C

38. The company is very competitive and is always looking for new ways to gain an edge over its competitors. What does gain an edge mean in this context?
A. Lose an advantage
B. Fall behind
C. Get ahead
D. Stay behind

39. The company is investing in research and development to improve its products. What does "investing" mean in this context?
A. Withdrawing
B. Saving
C. Spending
D. Borrowing

Jawaban: B

40. The company is committed to social responsibility and is actively involved in supporting local charities and community organizations. What does committed mean in this context?
A. Uninterested
B. Uninvolved
C. Dedicated
D. Indifferent

Jawaban: C

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