Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 45 46 Kurikulum Merdeka: SMP Merdeka’s School Parade

19 Agustus 2024 19:57 WIB
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 45 dan 46 Kurikulum Merdeka.
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 45 dan 46 Kurikulum Merdeka. ( freepik)

Sonora.ID - Dalam artikel ini kami sajikan paparan mengenai kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 45 dan 46 Kurikulum Merdeka: Text SMP Merdeka’s School Parade.

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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 45 46 Kurikulum Merdeka: SMP Merdeka’s School Parade

(a) Read the text below. 

SMP Merdeka’s School Parade

On August 17th, SMP Merdeka held a school parade to celebrate Independence Day. All students joined the event and so did Galang and his friends. They dressed up like the Indonesian freedom fighters during the Independence war. Some of them brought guns, spiked bamboos, swords, and many more. They also wore many red and white attributes making the event more patriotic. 

In the beginning, as instructed, all participants lined up and started to march.  Then, they marched along the decided route passing some villages near SMP Merdeka. The villagers were very excited to watch the parade pass their houses.  Many of them stood along the street welcoming and cheering the parade. 

Not so long after, the parade reached the rest post.  It was the place for participants to draw a door prize coupon and have some drinks. After drawing a coupon, they continued to parade to their school as the inal destination.

After returning to school, all participants took some rest while waiting for the door prize announcement. Finally, the headmaster announced the winner. There were ten students who got the door prize and Galang was one of them. Everyone felt happy with the events.

(b) The following are the photos of SMP Merdeka’s School Parade. Match the picture with a suitable paragraph.

  • Picture 1: Paragraph 2
  • Picture 2: Paragraph 1
  • Picture 3: Paragraph 4
  • Picture 4: Paragraph 3

(c) Identify what happened in each picture. Use the questions in the box to help you. Number one has been done for you.

Questions in the box: 

  • Who was in the picture?
  • What did they do?
  • Where were they?
  • What objects were there?


(1) Participants: SMP Merdeka’s students, villagers

Actions: marched

Place: village

Objects: posters

(2) Participants: Galang, Andre, Monita, and Pipit

Actions: lined up, marched, dressed up in costumes

Place: school

Objects: posters

(3) Participants: SMP Merdeka’s students, Galang, headmaster

Actions: smile, laugh

Place: school

Objects: doorprizes, stage

(4) Participants: teachers, SMP Merdeka’s students

Actions: drink, selfie

Place: rest post

Objects: drinks, coupon

(d) Read the sentences below. Circle (T) if they are true or (F) if they are false based on the text.

(1) School parade was one of the Independence Day celebration events in SMP Merdeka. (T) (F)

Jawaban: True

(2) Galang and his friends watched the school parade excitedly. (T) (F)

Jawaban: False

(3) The parade’s participants wore red and white attributes. (T) (F)

Jawaban: True

(4) The villagers were happy to watch the parade. (T) (F)

Jawaban: True

(5) Galang was the only door prize winner in the parade. (T) (F)

Jawaban: False

Demikianlah paparan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 45 dan 46 Kurikulum Merdeka tentang text SMP Merdeka’s School Parade.

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Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Halaman 36 Kurikulum Merdeka Kegiatan 2

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