25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

11 September 2024 11:46 WIB
Ilustrasi soal simple present tense.
Ilustrasi soal simple present tense. ( Pixabay)

A. Go
B. Went
C. Goes
D. Has been going

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 35 Contoh Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Beserta Jawaban

16. We sometimes … by chance in the convenience store.

A. Meets
B. Meet
C. Meeting
D. Will meets

Jawaban: A

17. Who … towards the post office?

A. Walks
B. Is walking
C. Is walk
D. Walked

Jawaban: B

18. It … sunny tomorrow.

A. Will be
B. Will
C. Is
D. Not

Jawaban: A

19. My father is so tired since he … our garden all day for planting vegetables.

A. Has been preparing
B. Has prepared
C. Prepared
D. Have prepared

Jawaban: A

20. … you … English well?

A. Do, speaks
B. Does, speak
C. Do, speaking
D. Do, speak

Jawaban: D

21. Andrea … …. The piano very well.

A. Don’t, play
B. Doesn’t, play
C. Doesn’t, plays
D. Don’t, plays

Jawaban: B

22. Read the text below.

A: How do you go to the office?
B: ….

A. I ride the car to the office
B. I rode the car to the office
C. I riding the car to the office
D. I ridden the car to the office

Jawaban: A

23. I had slept when you … last night.

A. Call
B. Called
C. Calling
D. Have call

Jawaban: B

24. The school terms … next week according to the latest official announcement.

A. Will start
B. Starts
C. Starting
D. Will be starting

Jawaban: B

25. … she go to the same college as Nanda?

A. Do
B. Does
C. Did
D. Is

Jawaban: B

Demikian 25 contoh soal simple present tense dan kunci jawaban untuk SD, SMP, dan SMA.

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