Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 111 Kurikulum Merdeka Worksheet 2.12

16 September 2024 17:49 WIB
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 111 Kurikulum Merdeka: Worksheet 2.12.
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 111 Kurikulum Merdeka: Worksheet 2.12. ( Pixabay/Iqbal Nuril Anwar)

The animals all ran away to hide.

The elephant wondered what he could do to save everyone in the forest.

Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find.

The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals.”

“Mind your own business!” growled the ferocious tiger.

The elephant had no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick.

The frightened tiger ran for his life.

The elephant went back into the forest to announce the good news to everyone.

All the animals thanked the elephant.

They said, “You are very brave and just the right size to be our friend.”

Worksheet 2.12

(1) What did the elephant do in the forest?

Jawaban: He wandered to search for friends

(2) How many animals did the elephant meet in the forest on the first day?

Jawaban: Five animals

(3) How did the animals treat the elephant during that first day?

Jawaban: They were rude to him

(4) What did the elephant feel when he could not make any friends on the first day?

Jawaban: He was sad

(5) Why did the animals in the forest run away on the second day?

Jawaban: They were afraid of the tiger who ate the animals he found

(6) Did the elephant run with the other animals?

Jawaban: No, he didn’t

(7) Was the elephant afraid of the tiger?

Jawaban: No, he was not

(8) What did the elephant do?

Jawaban: He gave the tiger a hefty kick

(9) What happened to the elephant in the end?

Jawaban: The animals thanked the elephant and became his friends

(10) What do you think the elephant felt at the end of the story?

Jawaban: He felt happy

Demikianlah paparan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 111 Kurikulum Merdeka Worksheet 2.12.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 9 Halaman 59: Ayo Berlatih Bagian B Esai

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