40 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

20 September 2024 13:00 WIB
40 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka
40 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka ( Freepik)

Sonora.ID - Berikut ini contoh soal Ulangan tengah semester (UTSBahasa Inggris kelas 4 SD semester 1 kurikulum merdeka.

Contoh soal Bahasa Inggris berikut ini terdiri dari 40 soal pilihan ganda yang juga dilengkapi dengan kunci jawabannya.

Dengan begitu dapat digunakan untuk siswa sebagai panduan belajar.

Daripada pensaran, berikut ini 40 contoh soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 1, simak:

Text for number 1 to 3

Hello, friends! My name is Indah. I will tell you something about my living room. It is located in front of my bedroom. Beside the living room is my dining room. I and my family usually have breakfast together in this room. While behind the living room is my kitchen. My mother cooks here.

1. Indah's bedroom is …. room.
A. in front of
B. between
C. behind

Kunci Jawaban: A

2. The dining room is located... the living room.
A. beside
B. behind
C. between
D. in front of

Kunci Jawaban: A

3. The kitchen is located .... the living room.
A. under
B. behind
C. across
D. in front of

Kunci Jawaban: B

4. In the bedroom, I will find...
A. Stove
B. Microwave
C. Pajamas
D. Coffee table

Kunci Jawaban: C

5. ... is part of tree that absorb water from the ground.
A. Bark
B. Twig
C. Roots
D. Leaves

Kunci Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 87 Kurikulum Merdeka Section 1 - Say What You Know

6. Rose has beautiful red ...
A. Stalk
B. Thorn
C. Leaves
D. Petals

Kunci Jawaban: D

7. Flowers that you can found in Indonesia is...

A. Cherry blossom / Sakura
B. Tulip
C. Lotus
D. Lavender


Kunci Jawaban: B

Dialogue for number 8 – 9.

Nindi : “ Where is Amanda?”
Bagas : “She is in her bedroom.”
Nindi : “What does she do there?”
Bagas : “She plays doll there.”

8. Amanda is in the ….
A. dining room
B. living room
C. bedroom
D. kitchen

Kunci Jawaban: C

9. Amanda …. In her bedroom.
A. reads books
B. sweeps the yard
C. watches television
D. plays doll

Kunci Jawaban: D

10. These are example of greeting, except ...

A. I'm hungry
B. Good night
B. Good evening
C. Good afternoon
D. Good morning

Kunci Jawaban: A

This text is for question number 11-13

Hello, my name is Avigael! Last holiday, my parents and I went to Taman Safari. We visited several attractions there, such as the Baby Zoo, Safari Journey, and Panda Palace. I am happy because I can see lots of cute animals. I saw baby kangaroos and orangutans. On the Safari Journey ride, I also saw lots of big animals, like zebras and elephants. The last holiday was so exciting!

11. Where did Dinda go on holiday?
A. Dufan
B. Taman Safari
C. Solo Safari
D. Pantai Losari

Kunci Jawaban: B

12. Avigael went on holiday with…
A. Her brother
B. Her sister
C. Her parents
D. Her friends

Kunci Jawaban: B

13. What were the animals that she saw in the Safari Journey?
A. Elephant and Zebra
B. Tiger and Lion
C. Giraffe and Zebra
D. Elephant and Panda

Kunci Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Matematika Kelas 9 Halaman 81 82, Kurikulum Merdeka

14. Mr. Jati .... a newspaper in the living room
A. Watches
B. Reads
C. Cooks
D. Studies

Kunci Jawaban: B

15. Gael and mom watch .... in the living room.
B. A Book
C. A Lamp
D. A dolls

Kunci Jawaban: A

16. Have-balloons-two-I

The correct order is?
A. Balloons I have two
B. Two I have balloons
C. I have two balloons
D. I have balloons two

Kunci Jawaban : C

17. R E T U C I P

A. Retupic
B. Tucirep
C. Picture
D. Picuter

Kunci Jawaban: C

18. Aileen: Good morning, Gael.

Gael: ..., Aileen

A. Hi
B. Hello
C. Good morning
D. See you later

Kunci Jawaban : C

19. What is “50” in English...

A. Eighty
B. Seventy
C. Sixty
D. Fifty

Kunci Jawaban: D

20. Tomorrow - see - you.

The correct order is ...
A. You tomorrow see
B. See you tomorrow
C. See tomorrow you
D. You see tomorrow

Kunci Jawaban : B

21. They are....in the classroom
A. Studying math
B. Buying cookies
C. Drawing flowers
D. Giving books

Kunci Jawaban: A

22. This is ... book.
A. A
B. An
C. Mine
D. Yours

Kunci Jawaban: A

23. This is ... apple.

A. A
B. An
C. Mine
D. Yours

Kunci Jawaban: B

24. This is ... saxophone.
A. A
B. An
C. Mine
D. Yours

Kunci Jawaban: A

25. This is ... elephant.
A. A
B. An
C. Mine
D. Yours

Kunci Jawaban: B

26. Choose one tame animal!
A. Bear
B. Lion
C. Cat
D. Seal

Kunci Jawaban: C

27. How did Avigael feel during the holidays?
A. Very tired
B. Very boring
C. Very happy
D. Very sad

Kunci Jawaban: C

28. If our body is dirty, we clean ourselves in the...
A. Bathroom
B. Dining room
C. Bedroom
D. Kitchen

Kunci Jawaban: A

29. It is …… outside. Did you bring an umbrella?
A. Rainy
B. Sunny
C. Windy
D. Cold

Kunci Jawaban: A

30. First, second, ..... , fourth, fifth, .....
A. Three, six
B. Thee, sixth
C. Third, six
D. Third, sixth

Kunci Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 2 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

31. Sixty six plus seventy five equals...
A. One hundred and forty one
B. One hundred and fifty two
C. One hundred and sixty one
D. One hundred and seventy two

Kunci Jawaban: A

32. My mother keeps fruits, meat and vegetables fresh in the...
A. Stove
B. Cupboard
C. Freezer
D. Pail

Kunci Jawaban: C

33. Yesterday was Wednesday. So, today is?

A. Thursday
B. Tuesday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday

Kunci Jawaban : A

34. We are born by...

A. Father
B. Mother
C. Sister
D. Daughter

Kunci Jawaban: B

35. Choose one wild animal!
A. Cow
B. Rabbit
C. Giraffe
D. Chicken

Kunci Jawaban: C

36. These are a wild animal, except...
A. Bison
B. Goldfish
C. Cheetah
D. Flamingo

Kunci Jawaban: B

37. There are tame animal, except...
A. Otter
B. Goose
C. Chicken
D. Pig

Kunci Jawaban: A

38. In the bedroom, I can't find...
A. Bath-up
B. Bed
C. Pillow
D. Bolster

Kunci Jawaban: A

39. Mother is …. in the kitchen.
A. cooking
B. studying
C. gardening
D. watching TV

Kunci Jawaban: A

40. They are .... in the river.
A. sleeping
B. swimming
C. fishing
D. playing marbles

Kunci Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: 30 Soal IPA Kelas 9 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban untuk Latihan

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