30 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

23 September 2024 15:15 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP semester 1 kurikulum Merdeka
Ilustrasi contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP semester 1 kurikulum Merdeka ( freepik.com)

a. Help yourself
b. Of course
c. No way!
d. Be sure

Jawaban: B

13. Loli : Hi, Hana. How was your trip?

Hana : . . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue?
a. It was great
b. How are you
c. What about you
d. What happened

Jawaban: A

14. Aldo : It was an interesting performance, wasn't it?
Brian : . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue? (prompt : disagreement)

a. I agree entirely
b. I am eye and eye with you
c. Perhaps, but I don't think that. It's just OK
d. Absolutely, splendid!

Jawaban: C

15. Alma : Why do you look so sad?
Bams : . . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with denying information?
a. I've lost my best friend
b. I've lost my cell phone
c. Sorry, I don't want to talk about it
d. It's only 5 km from here

Jawaban: C

16. Elin : “Our mother’s birthday is next week.”

Alin : “.....................................................?”
Elin : That’s a good idea.

A. When was she born?
B. How old is she?
C. How about giving her a present?
D. How is your mother?

Jawaban C

17. Mrs. Rosi : Do you mind passing me the sugar?
Diana : .............. Here it is.

A. No I don’t
B. Sure
C. I’m not sure
D. Yes, I know

Jawaban B

Teks untuk soal nomor 8-9

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans
Request the pleasure of your company at their marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Anne to Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett

Saturday, the seventh of June at seven o'clock in the evening
The Hampton's Country Club Richfield, VA
And afterwards a reception in the Grand Ballroom

RSVP by May 22nd

18. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To invite the readers to come to a wedding party
b. To explain the readers the details of wedding party
c. To describe the bride and groom
d. To inform the readers

Jawaban: A

19. Who got married?
a. Elizabeth Anne and Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
b. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans
c. Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
d. The Barnetts

Jawaban: A

Teks untuk soal nomor 10-11

To: Daddy
I'm so happy that I've just bought a house in South Carolina. It's near a beautiful beach. My dream came true and my hard work is paid off. I plan to leave the apartment next week.


20. Kayla feels happy because she . . .
a. Sees a beautiful beach
b. Always works hard
c. Lives in California
d. Has a new house

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: 20 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 4 SD Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

21. What is the relationship between the sender and the receiver of the
a. Family
b. Friends
c. Siblings
d. Colleagues

Jawaban: A

Teks untuk soal nomor 12-13

On celebrating Indonesia Independence day, the school canteen gives out free lunch for all students.

The lunch consists of traditional Indonesian foods and drinks.
Don't miss out and enjoy!

School Headmaster

22. What kind of the text is it? It is . . .
a. Advertisement
b. Announcement
c. Shopping list
d. Invitation

Jawaban: B

23. Where do you possibly find this kind of text? It is . . .
a. In the garage
b. In the headmaster's room
c. In the teacher's room
d. In the school canteen

Jawaban: D

24. Doni : I see that you bring so many books Elsa, may I help you?
Elsa : ............ You are very kind, Don.

A. Certainly
B. No, thanks
C. Really?
D. I’m sorry

Jawaban A

25. Mother : Soni, can you turn off the lamp, please?
Soni : ............

A. With a pleasure
B. I’m sorry
C. I can’t
D. No, I’m bussy

Jawaban A

26. Ryan : Can you help me, Abe?
Abe : Sorry, ...

A. I'm happy you are busy
B. You're welcome
C. You look very busy
D. I'm busy myself

Jawaban : D

27. Lia : Can you help me to do my English homework?
Jordi : ... English is my favorite subject.
Lia : Thank you

A. With pleasure
B. Let's go
C. I'm sorry, I can't
D. I dislike English

Jawaban : A

28. Marlina : ... to Lina's birthday party?
Putri : Of course. I'll go there with Dika.
Marlina : Thanks a lot.

A. Don't you come
B. Will you come
C. May you come
D. Can you come

Jawaban : B

This dialogue is for no 14 - 15!

Teacher: Attention, please! In this webinar meeting, I’d like to share some important information.
Sarah: Yes, Sir. We’re listening.
Teacher : During this COVID 19 pandemic, you are obliged to keep staying at home. You are not allowed to go to public area for unnecessary things. The teaching and learning will be conducted in online mode. That’s why, you don’t have to go school. Next, you need to eat healthy food and you have to do sport at home. Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

29. The expression of a must is ...
A. You are not allowed to go to public area for unnecessary things.
B. The teaching and learning will be conducted in online mode.
C. You are obliged to keep staying at home.
D. You don’t have to go school.

Jawaban: C

30. Based on the dialogue, the students are prohibited to ...
A. Do exercise
B. Go to school
C. Eat healthy food
D. Study from home

Jawaban: B

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