Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 28 Kurikulum 2013

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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 28 Kurikulum 2013
Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 28 Kurikulum 2013 ( Freepik)

Sonora.ID - Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 Halaman 28 bisa dijadikan referensi oleh guru atau siswa.

Salah satu cara untuk mengukur kemampuan siswa adalah dengan mengerjakan latihan soal.

Setelah materi diajarkan, siswa akan diminta oleh guru untuk mengerjakan soal mandiri.

Kemudian akan dicek bersama-sama, untuk mengetahui apakah jawaban yang ditulis sudah benar atau salah.

Pada soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 halaman 28, siswa diminta untuk menulis dialog atau percakapan tentang pendapatnya mengenai sebuah topik.

Berikut ulasan selengkapnya.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Halaman 84 Kurikulum Merdeka: Secret Recipe

Writing Connection

Choose one of the topics given below. Create a dialogue of your opinion about your chosen topic. Follow the opinion giving technique you have learnt in the building blocks.

  • Do you think education is a right or a priviledge? Support your opinion with reasons and examples.
  • Do you think conservation of wildlife is important? Support your opinion with reasons and examples.
  • Time is more important than money. Support your opinion with reasons and examples.
  • Exploitation of natural resources is a major problem in Indonesia. Support your opinion with reasons and examples.
  • Do you think gaming affects the life of teenagers? Support your opinion with reasons and examples.

Contoh Kunci Jawaban:

1. Dialogue about education is a right or a priviledge

Anto: Hello, Budi

Budi: Hi, Anto

Anto: I want to ask your opinion about whether education is a right or a privilege?

Budi: I think education is a personal privilege, the reason is because not everyone can demand a proper education like in big cities.

Anto: I don't agree with you. I think the government has already provided nine years of free education for all students throughout Indonesia. Can you give an example to support your opinion?

Budi: For example, there are still many children out there whose parents cannot afford to go to school, because their economy is lacking.

The school is free, but stationery, uniforms, and vehicles to go to school must be purchased with personal money.

Even though they have the opportunity to go to school, they have to help their parents work so they can meet their daily food needs.

Anto: I agree with what you said. Thanks for the opinion Ivan.

Budi: Okay, you're welcome.

2. Dialogue about time is more important than money

Caca: In my opinion, time is more important than money. Because time never come back.

Hana: I agree with what you are saying but have you ever thought that money can help you getting what you want because everything need money, right?

Caca: I am sorry i dont agree with you. Everything need money unless u dont have time. So i strongly believe that time more important than money. You can get things with money, but if you dont have time, you cannot use your money because time never come back.

Hana: I agree with this opinion. But i think we can not choose between money and time because we need both of them in life.

Caca: Of course. But if we have to choose, i think time is more important than money. Because we can making money everytime we want, but time never come back even though we want it.

Hana: That's a good point.

3. Dialogue about exploitation of natural resources is a a major problem in Indonesia

Anita: I think the exploitation of natural resources in Indonesia has become a big problem.

Binta: What the facts that can support your opinion?

Anita: We can see hectares of forest in Kalimantan are being burned for personal gain. It burned to clear land for plant oil palm.

Binta: That’s true. What else is causing this to be such a big problem?

Anita: Another example is illegal mining without a government permit which is opened for personal gain.

Binta: That's right. I also thought the same thing.

Anita: What do you think?

Binta: Like you said, the exploitation of natural resources become a big problem because many people are greedy to enrich themselves without thinking about the continuity of life on earth.

Anita: Yes, i totally agree with that.

Demikian kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 halaman 28 Kurikulum 2013 revisi. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa kunci jawaban di atas sifatnya hanyalah contoh. Siswa bisa mengembangkan ide dan opini lainnya dalam jawabannya.

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