4 Contoh Pidato Sumpah Pemuda Bahasa Inggris dan Terjemahannya

27 Oktober 2024 22:45 WIB
Ilustrasi pidato Sumpah Pemuda bahasa Inggris.
Ilustrasi pidato Sumpah Pemuda bahasa Inggris. ( Pexels)

Biarkan semangat Sumpah Pemuda menginspirasi kita untuk mengambil tindakan, merangkul peran kita sebagai pemimpin masa depan, dan berkontribusi untuk kemajuan bangsa. Bersama-sama, kita dapat mewujudkan Indonesia yang kita impikan-negara yang makmur, adil, dan bersatu.

Terima kasih.

Pidato Sumpah Pemuda bahasa Inggris (2)

Assalamualaikum wr. wb

Alhamdulillah alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin washolatu washolamu 'ala asyrofil anbiya iwalmursalin wa'ala alihiwaashabihi rosulillahi ajma'in amma ba'ad.

The honorable headmaster of the state 1 madrasah tsanawiyah merangin Mr. Armain SAg.

The honorable, the board of jury.

The honorable all of the teachers.

And lastly all my dear friends.

First of all let us offer thanks for the presence of Allah SWT because of the abundance of his gifts we cangather here in good health.

prayer and greetings we give to the prophet muhammad SAW who has brought us from the realm of the worldto the Islamic world as we feel today.

Youth pledge is a moment where the entire youth in Indonesia became a unity. They pledged an oath on 28October 1928 in Jakarta. The meeting was attended by representatives of youth from all over Indonesia withthe one determination that is national unity among the youth. The meeting resulted an oath consisted:

  • We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.
  • We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.
  • We, the sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian.

As young people of the nation we must know the contents of the youth oath and know when to commemoratethe oath of youth.

The commemoration of the 90th Youth Oath Day should remind us as young people must continue to maintainand maintain the determination to unite to defend Indonesia's independence.

Currently youth has lost the spirit of unite because of affected by this modern life. Youth are moreindividualistic and indifferent to environment so that caused so much schism among youth. Moreover, theyouth’s attitude now tends to be passive and do not want to know about the development of our country.

If we look at the reality now, the ones that pampered by the times. The progress of high technology that isincreasingly becoming a “lull“ We thus deep asleep.

and that makes the emergence of new habits namely the habit of lazing.

If this is the course we let the effect be so bad for them and their future. We are for young people should also be aware of the disease this lazy. Gradually the idleness will make us can not do anything when we are facedwith the rigors of life.

My colleagues that I am proud of

so from now on let us arouse our enthusiasm. Don’t let a sense of lazy hemming us. Don’t let a sense of lazytrammel us so that we become cowards generation, generation into the weak and can not do anything.

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