Sonora.ID - Dalam artikel ini kami sajikan paparan mengenai kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 135 Kurikulum Merdeka Section 2: Worksheet 3.2.
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Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 135 Section 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
(b) Choose the correct answers based on the audio.
Soal 1
How is the trash can at the canteen?
(a) Empty
(b) Half full
(c) Almost full
(d) Full
Soal 2
What kind of trash makes the trash bin full?
(a) Paper waste
(b) Trash cans
(c) Plastic waste
(d) Organic waste
Soal 3
What does Monita suggest that we do about plastic use/the use of plastics?
(a) Reduce the use of plastic
(b) Buy more plastics
(c) Increase the use of plastic
(d) Ignore the use of plastics
Soal 4
What is Andre’s response to Monita’s suggestion? He says that …
(a) plastic is very expensive
(b) plastic is bad for the environment
(c) plastic is good for our health
(d) plastic is not dangerous
Soal 5
What will they do next time?
(a) Buy less food
(b) Request to use plastic straw
(c) Bring their own container
(d) Bring their own trash can
Soal 6
What does “Good idea, Andre!” mean?
(a) Monita agrees with Andre’s idea.
(b) Andre has a good idea.
(c) Andre and Monita want to save the environment.
(d) It is a good idea to reduce trash.
Demikianlah paparan kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 135 Kurikulum Merdeka Worksheet 3.2.
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