30 Contoh Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMA, beserta Kunci Jawabannya

31 Januari 2025 19:32 WIB
Ilustrasi 30 Contoh Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMA, beserta Kunci Jawabannya
Ilustrasi 30 Contoh Soal Olimpiade Bahasa Inggris SMA, beserta Kunci Jawabannya ( )

Sonora.ID – Berikut kumpulan contoh soal olimpiade bahasa Inggris SMA beserta kunci jawabannya yang bisa dijadikan materi untuk belajar di rumah.

Dengan banyak mengerjakan contoh soal olimpiade bahasa Inggris SMA, para siswa diharapkan bisa lebih memahami materi agar dapat mengerjakan ujian yang sesungguhnya dengan baik.

Meskipun kumpulan contoh soal olimpiade bahasa Inggris SMA yang dirangkum dalam artikel ini telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.
Para siswa diharapkan untuk mengerjakannya dengan kemampuan sendiri terlebih dahulu, guna mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman kamu tentang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu sendiri.
Tak perlu berlama-lama, berikut 30 contoh soal bahasa Inggris SMA, lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya.

Baca Juga: 40 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2, Beserta Jawabannya 

1. He is excited about his new role as a leader the group and looking forward to …. Moreresponsibilities.

a. Get on 
b. Take after 
c. Taking on
d. Take on

Jawaban: C

2. The house … twenty years ago by his

a. Built 
b. is bulit
c. That built
d. Was built

Jawaban: D

3. When you are … a job, you must work hard 

a. Looking up 
b. Looking for 
c. Looking after 
d. Looking at

Jawaban: B

4. Neither lunch … breakfast was served at therestaurant. 

a. And 
b. Or 
c. Nor 
d. But

Jawaban: C

5. Education in Java is the … of school, society, andalso government.

a. Responbility 
b. Responbly
c. Responsive
d. Responsible

Jawaban: A

6. Joko Widodo who comes from Solo is one of the … people in Central Java.

a. Most rich 
b. Richest
c. Richer 
d. More richer 

Jawaban: B

7. I don’t know why Shinta prefers …. In Yogyakarta.

a. To living 
b. Living
c. Live
d. Lived

Jawaban: B

8. Because of the accident, the party at swimming poolhad to be ….

a. Called for  
b. Called out
c. Called off 
d. Called on

Jawaban: C

9. A week after the interview, I got a call frommanager saying that I … as a secretary.

a. Was accepted 
b. Accepted
c. Accepts
d. Is accepted

Jawaban: A

10. Pilih satu kata yang penempatannya salah diantaraempat kata yang ditebalkan di bawah ini!

The girl which doll has been lost, is still waitingoutside to meet you.

a. Whose 
b. Is
c. Waiting
d. To

Jawaban: A

11. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the text?

a. Rio is not ready to get married.
b. Rio's parents disagree to his marriage.
c. Rio and his girl friend often got conflicts.
d. Rio's girl friend didn't really love Rio.
e. Rio's girl friend couldn't defend her love for Rio.

Jawaban : E

12. Tutut : Were you sleeping when I called you last night?
Indra : I went to the cinema.
From the dialogue we know that Tutut wanted to know if India ... when she called him.

a. sleeps
b. slept
c. was sleeping
d. has been sleeping
e. had been sleeping

Jawaban : C

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. The academic year is held in four seasons in a year.
b. Students in colleges are not members of the university
c. Students must not be in their residence during the terms.
d. The students of Cambridge University have holidays in summer.
e. University of Oxford is younger than University of Cambridge.

Jawaban : D

14. Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English!

The surface conditions on the Planet Mars are the more like the earth than are those of any other Planets In The Solar system.

a. Condition
b. The more
c. Than
d. Other
e. System
Jawaban: B

15. “ You were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Where were you ?”
“ I ____ a specialist then!”

a. Am looking
b. Looked
c. Was looking
d. Look
e. Had been looking

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 129 Kurikulum Merdeka

16. Diara: Hi, Mom, I will be late home because the committee will hold a meeting after class.
Mother: It's okay but you must go straight home after the meeting.
Diara: Don't worry, Mom.
Father: What did Mira say?
Mother: She said that she would be late home today.

What is the most possible place where Diara is talking to her Mother?

a. a hall.
b. her home.
c. The office.
d. Her school.
e. A meeting room.

Jawaban: D

17. Indah is a hardworking and diligent employee, ….She has a good career.

a. Nevertheless 
b. Therefore
c. Although
d. Unless

Jawaban : B

18. Mary Garden, …. The early 1900’s was consideredone of the best singing actresses of her time.

a. A popular soprano in 
b. Was a popular soprano
c. In a popular soprano
d. A soprano was popular 

Jawaban : A

19. Kata yang salah dalam kalimat berikut ini adalah…The surface on Mars are the more like earth’s than arethose of any other planet in the solar system.

a. Than 
b. The more
c. Conditions
d. Other 

Jawaban : B

Pilih jawaban yang benar untuk melengkapi teks singkat ini!

My name is Mira. I (14) a teacher. I (15) in London, I(16) a sister and two brother. My sister is a high schoolstudent. She (17) to be a doctor. But, my brotherdoesn’t want (18) to university. (19) he wants to be a businessman. He hasn’t (20) his education yet.

20. Jawaban yang benar adalah ….

a. Are 
b. Is
c. Am
d. Do

Jawaban : C

21. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. live 
b. arrive
c. think 
d. believe

Jawaban: A

22. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. Learn 
b. Have
c. Study
d. Owns

Jawaban : B

23. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. Is going to 
b. Because
c. Works
d. For 

Jawaban : A

24. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. Goes 
b. Go
c. To go
d. Went

Jawaban : C

25. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. Although 
b. Behind
c. During
d. Because

Jawaban : D

26. Jawaban yang tepat adalah ….

a. Finished 
b. Beginning
c. Started
d. Works

Jawaban : A

27. Pilih kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

"The company decided to __________ the new product next month."

a. lunch
b. launch
c. lanch
d. lounge

Jawaban: B

28. Manakah dari kalimat berikut yang benar secara tata bahasa?

a. She don't like to eat sushi.
b. She doesn't likes to eat sushi.
c. She doesn't like to eat sushi.
d. She doesn't like eating sushi.

Jawaban: C

29. Isi dengan bentuk kata kerja yang benar:

"If I __________ you, I would take that job."

a. was
b. were
c. am
d. be

Jawaban: B

30. Pilih opsi yang benar untuk melengkapi kalimat berikut:

"He has been working here __________ five years."

a. since
b. for
c. during
d. from

Jawaban: B

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