25 Contoh Soal AKG MTs Tahun 2024 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya

25 Juni 2024 15:59 WIB
Kumpulan contoh soal AKG MTs tahun 2024 lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya.
Kumpulan contoh soal AKG MTs tahun 2024 lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya. ( Pixabay/Iqbal Nuril Anwar)

Jawaban: Kontekstual

Soal 5

Saat merancang pembelajaran seorang guru ingin menyederhanakan konsep/prinsip/hukum yang kompleks sehingga dapat memperjelas penyajian pesan secara tertulis, media apa yang paling tepat dipilih oleh guru tersebut....

Jawaban: Bagan

Bahasa Inggris

Soal 6

As the counterbalance to linguistic competence, formulaic competence refers to chunks of language that speakers use heavily in everyday interactions. It includes the following EXCEPT....

  • idioms
  • routines
  • turn-taking
  • collocations
  • lexical frames

Jawaban: Turn-Taking

Soal 7

Among the areas where our behavior can directly influence our students' motivation to continue participation in EFL classes is determining short-term goals which include the following EXCЕРТ....


  • the successful writing of an essay
  • the ability to partake in a discussion
  • the possibility of a better job in the future
  • the learning of a small amount of new language
  • the passing of the progress test at the end of the week

Jawaban: the possibility of a better job in the future

Soal 8

A teacher who wants to have distance learning involving not only spoken but also pictographic images which enable them to have face-to face idea exchanges can mos appropriately utilize....

Jawaban: Teleconference

Soal 9

To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr. Hanafi will require his students to ......

Jawaban: Identify the main points of passages

Soal 10

Homemade herbal cleaning products are mostly composed of just one main substance - the cleaning agent; you are not paying for bulking additives, artificial colors or perfumes. 

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