25 Puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 2024 yang Menyentuh: Indonesia dan Inggris

5 Oktober 2024 07:30 WIB
Kumpulan contoh puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 2024 yang menyentuh hati.
Kumpulan contoh puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 2024 yang menyentuh hati. ( Freepik)

Aku mau menjadi sepertimu

Berpengetahuan, pemahaman yang dalam

Berpikir dengan hati dan juga kepala

Memberikan kami yang terbaik

Dengan sensitif dan penuh perhatian

Aku mau menjadi sepertimu

Memberikan waktumu, energi, dan bakatmu

Untuk meyakinkan masa depan yang cerah

Pada kita semua

Terima kasih, guru

Kau telah membimbing kami

Aku mau menjadi sepertimu

Puisi 13


Oleh: Ali

Engkau selalu sabar dalam menghadapi ku

Engkau selalu tabah memberikan ilmu

Oh guru ku,

Engkau selalu sayang kepada ku

Meski aku membuatmu marah

Oh guru ku,

Engkau memilihku atau membimbingku di jalan yang lurus

Engkau membuat ku sukses hingga saat ini

Puisi 14

Guruku Pelitaku

Wahai guruku

Engkaulah cahaya pelitaku

Penerang hati dalam sanubariku

Kau ajari aku dengan kesabaranmu

Kau bimbing aku dengan kelembutanmu

Kau tak pernah lelah menuntunku

Kau ulurkan tangan ketika ku membutuhkanmu

Kau tak pernah mengeluh dengan kenakalanku

Kau tak pernah lelah di hadapanku

Ku selalu berdoa untukmu

Wahai pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa bagiku

Semoga Tuhan selalu menjagamu

Puisi 15

Pena Sang Guru

Oleh: Mesdiana, S. Pd

Pena guruku

Tak pernah bosan menari-nari di diriku

Menuliskan banyak warna di jiwaku

Coretan lembut, hangat menyentuh kalbuku

Pena guruku hebat

Karena penanya aku tak telat

Tugas-tugasku tak lambat

Walau panas matahari menyengat hingga hujan lebat

Pena guruku sangat mengagumkan

Aku pun terbuai angan

Dunia akan kuguncangkan

Menuju sebuah pencapaian

Kuingin penaku seperti miliknya

Menggoreskan, melukiskan dan mewarnai anak bangsa

Hasil penamu tak kunjung penuh makna

Kaulah sang penaku yang berjuang sepenuh jiwa

(B) Bahasa Inggris

Puisi 16

Number One Teacher

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

I’m happy that you’re my teacher;

I enjoy each lesson you teach.

As my role model you inspire me

To dream and to work and to reach.

With your kindness you get my attention;

Every day you are planting a seed

Of curiosity and motivation

To know and to grow and succeed.

You help me fulfill my potential;

I’m thankful for all that you’ve done.

I admire you each day, and I just want to say,

As a teacher, you’re number one!

Puisi 17

A Teacher for All Seasons

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

A teacher is like Spring,

Who nurtures new green sprouts,

Encourages and leads them,

Whenever they have doubts.

A teacher is like Summer,

Whose sunny temperament

Makes studying a pleasure,

Preventing discontent.

A teacher is like Fall,

With methods crisp and clear,

Lessons of bright colors

And a happy atmosphere.

A teacher is like Winter,

While it’s snowing hard outside,

Keeping students comfortable,

As a warm and helpful guide.

Teacher, you do all these things,

With a pleasant attitude;

You’re a teacher for all seasons,

And you have my gratitude!

Puisi 18

If I Could Teach You, Teacher

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d teach you how much more

you have accomplished

than you think you have.

I’d show you the seeds

you planted years ago

that are now coming into bloom.

I’d reveal to you the young minds

that have expanded under your care,

the hearts that are serving others

because they had you as a role model.

If I could teach you, teacher,

I’d show you the positive effect

you have had on me and my life.

Your homework is

to know your value to the world,

to acknowledge it, to believe it.

Thank you, teacher.

Puisi 19

Sonnet For An Unforgettable Teacher

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

(Teacher’s name),

When I began your class I think I knew

The kind of challenges you’d make me face.

You gave me motivation to pursue

The best, and to reject the commonplace.

Your thinking really opened up my mind.

With wisdom, style and grace, you made me see,

That what I’d choose to seek, I’d surely find;

You shook me out of my complacency.

I thank you now for everything you’ve done;

What you have taught me I will not outgrow.

Your kind attention touched my mind and heart;

In many ways that you will never know.

I will remember you my whole life through;

I wish that all my teachers were like you.

Puisi 20

Good Guide

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

A smart and really good teacher

Should be a good guide, not a preacher.

She’d open each mind

Therein treasures to find;

Encouragement would be her best feature.

You have this good quality and more;

You inspire each brain to explore.

Our respect you are earning;

You’ve made us love learning,

As no teacher has before.

Puisi 21

The Best Teachers

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

Teachers open up young minds,

showing them the wonders of the intellect

and the miracle

of being able to think for themselves.

A teacher exercises

the mental muscles of students,

stretching and strengthening,

so they can make challenging decisions,

find their way in the world,

and become independent.

The best teachers care enough

To gently push and prod students

to do their best

and fulfill their potential.

You are one of those.

Thank you.

Puisi 22

Thank You, Teacher

Karya: Joanna Fuchs

Thank you, skillful teacher,

For teaching me to be

A stronger, smarter person,


Thank you, favorite teacher

For acting like a friend,

And taking time to show me,

Lessons hard to comprehend.

Thank you for your caring

And lots of other stuff;

For all the things you gave me,

I can’t thank you enough

Puisi 23

Some teachers are sweet 

Some teachers are a delight 

Some teachers are funny 

Some teachers are always right 

Some teachers are cute 

Some teachers are annoying 

Some teachers are boring 

Some teachers are irritating 

But you, are hard to label 

Because in every possible way 

You motivate and inspire us 

Day after day

Puisi 24

For My Favorite Teacher

Every morning I go to school to prepare myself to study

You greet me with enthusiasm and I feel so lucky

It is implied in your eyes that big hope for me so my future becomes sunny

Thank you

Even though thank you is not enough to describe my gratitude

Even though you don't know how much you helped me

Even though one day I have to fight alone

However, thank you

Thank you for the time you have given

Thank you for the very useful knowledge

Thank you for your patience as wide as the ocean

Thank you for inspiring us every day

If my life is like a straight road

The knowledge you gave me helped me illuminate that road

So, thank you

for my favorite teacher.

Puisi 25

Seeds of Knowledge

You plant the seeds of knowledge deep, Awakening minds from their sleep, With patience, care, and endless cheer, You make the path ahead so clear.

Through every lesson, every word, New horizons are often stirred, Grateful hearts we offer now, To the teacher who shows us how.

Demikianlah paparan kumpulan contoh puisi Hari Guru Sedunia 2024 dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Selamat Hari Guru Sedunia!

Baca Juga: 35 Gambar Ucapan Hari Guru Sedunia 2024: Happy World Teachers' Day

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